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Alutecnos Fishing Rods
Alutecnos rods, produced with the newest high quality materials, "made in Italy" by old world craftsman. The blank is a carbon-glass composite providing a powerful and prompt responsive in any situation. Stand-up rods come with Eva-grip handle, while the trolling rods have the finest grade quality leather handles..
They feature a removable Alutecnos butt in marine grade aluminum alloy, straight or curved for every model. Patented "Removable Roller Rings" are unique in quality and precision, facilliating removal for any necessary maintenance.They are unique in the distinctive feature of being instantly and easily removed from the support foot.
Roller rings as well as eyelet guides are fastened to the blank through triple binding. An alternative on the 6/20 and 20/50 lb stand-up rods you can have silicon carbide guides with the option of a roller tip.
Blanks are constructed in the latest Carbon-Glass composite
"Eva Grip" handle for Stand-Up rods
First quality leather handles for Trolling Rods
Alutecnos marine alloy removable butt, curved and straight version
Alutecnos "Removable Roller Ring"
Silicon carbide guides for Stand-Up Rods 6/20 and 20/50 lb
Triple binding for rollers and guides in Gold,Red, White and Green, striking combo
These rods are among the finest on the planet, They are beautiful in appearance as well as rugged and ready for the toughest action. Truly a rod you will be glad you bought

AlutecnosTrolling Rods
20 lb SFR0020GA Alutecnos Removable All Roller (5 + top) 6.7 $N/A
30 lb SFR0030GA Alutecnos Removable All Roller (5 + top) 6.8 $649.00
50 lb SFR0050GA Alutecnos Removable All Roller (5 + top) 7.1 $671.00
80 lb SFR0080GA Alutecnos Removable All Roller (5 + top) 7.2 $716.00
130 lb SFR0130GA Alutecnos Removable All Roller (5 + top) 7.2 $775.00
Alutecnos Stand Up Rods
20/30 lb SFR0010SA Alutecnos Removable Rollers (5+Top) 5.7 $483.00
30/50 lb SFR0030SA Alutecnos Removable Rollers (5+Top) 5.9 $516.00
50/80 lb SFR0050SA Alutecnos Removable Rollers (5+Top) 5.9 $558.00
80/130 lb SFR0080SA Alutecnos Removable Rollers (5+Top) 6.0 $580.00
6/20 lb SFRA006SA Silicon Carbide Guides 5.7 $327.00
6/20 lb SFRB006SA Silicon Carbide Guides + Alutecnos Roller Top 5.7 $387.00
Order Alutecnos rods 727 484 6705
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